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Seattle Seahawks Dancers Auditions

Seahawks Dancers Auditions

Seahawks Dancers

2025 Seahawks Dancers Auditions

2025 Seahawks Dancers Virtual Open Auditions are coming soon! Fill out this form if you are interested in trying out.

Seahawks Dancers

2025 Seahawks Dancers Audition Workshops

The Seahawks Dancers Audition Workshops are officially set for Sunday, March 23 at 10 a.m. at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center in Renton, WA. Don't miss this incredible opportunity, as space is limited and enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.

We will be giving out a free pass into our Semi Finals audition to one lucky Dancer at the conclusion of this event.

General Audition Information

Open Call and Semi-Final rounds of Auditions will be held virtually.

All candidates must register online to be considered. Online registration includes completing the application (between April 25-29) that will entail the following:

  • Completed application
  • Color headshot (uploaded)
  • 1 minute video upload of an improve/freestyle dance that best represents you, full out, to a song of your choice
  • Signed waiver
  • Your registration will only be accepted if you include your video upload.

Current And Former Seahawks Dancers

Current 2024 - 2025 Seahawks Dancers must register online by March 24, 2025 and will skip the first two rounds of auditions and head straight to Finals.

All former squad members prior to the 2024 team, who want to audition for the 2025 squad, must register online by March 27, 2025 and will skip the Open Audition round, going straight to Semi-Finals.

Former squad members will receive an email with Semi-Final Audition instructions once registered.

In the application, please put an "N/A" where it asks for your video link.



Interviews will be held on April 9, 10 and 11 at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center. Interview times will be sent out at a later date. Finals show run-through will be scheduled on Saturday, April 12 (time TBA) at Lumen Field. Finals Date is Sunday, April 13 at Lumen Field. Check-in time for Finals is 9:30 a.m. and will last the entirety of the day. Finalists must attend their interview and be present on Friday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13.


For the final round of auditions, candidates will perform a choreographed dance routine that integrates styles most often used on gameday. Finalists will receive a link to the choreography and music.


Finalists are also being asked to choreograph and perform a solo routine showcasing their dance ability and personality. Solos should be between 45 seconds and one minute long. Candidates can choose their own clean cut of music (directions on how to upload solo music will be sent via email).

Final Attire

Wear current Seahawks colors in attire you feel comfortable dancing in. Seahawks logos are okay, but please cover any other branded logos.


Mandatory Orientation will be held on Tuesday, April 22 at 6:00 p.m. at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center. Information on the first rehearsal is TBA.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the attire for Final Auditions?

Wear current Seahawks colors in attire you feel comfortable dancing in. Seahawks logos are ok, but please cover any other branded logos.

If we make it to Finals, in addition to the choreography sent to us, I see we need to perform a solo routine. How long does this solo need to be?

Solos should be between 45 seconds and one minute long. At one minute, the music will be cut because we need to allow enough time for all dancers to perform.

Can we choose any music for our solo?

Yes, please choose your own music-clean versions only! We will give you instructions on how to upload your solo music if you make it to the final round of auditions.

What do I need to wear for my solo routine?

You are welcome to wear the same Seahawks colored dance attire you will be doing the other routine in, or feel free to wear whatever outfit you feel compliments your solo! For example, if you are doing a salsa dancing routine, you may choose to wear a red dress. This is your chance to catch the judges eye and we can't wait to see your personality shine!
