With the Seahawks' annual 12 Tour making its way to Eastern Washington last weekend, life-long Seahawks fan Jennifer Homer sent out a message on Twitter Friday afternoon. Actually, it was more of an invitation, suggesting that if the Seahawks' traveling party, which included rookie offensive linemen Germain Ifedi and Rees Odhiambo, Sea Gals, Blitz and more, happened to be hungry as it passed through Moses Lake, the Homer family had dinner cooking.
Much to her surprise, Jennifer Homer got a reply asking for their address, and soon after a bus stopped at their Moses Lake home to visit Jennifer, her husband Michael, their daughter Jessy and 9-month-old son Liam.
"I was on Twitter that morning and saw the cities they were going to stop in, and knew they were coming to Moses Lake," Jennifer Homer said. "I tweeted them to say, 'Hey, you can stop by our house.' I honestly didn't think they'd respond at all."
Among the highlights of the visit was the group helping celebrate Jessy's third birthday, which was the next day.
'It was amazing," Jennifer Homer said. "It was so surreal. I've done a lot with the Seahawks, I've traveled to games, I've gone on the cruises. I've been watching them since they started. It was the coolest thing. Them singing to Jessy, man that really hit our hearts a lot. It was amazing, it was just so cool. The cool thing about the Seahawks organization is that the fans feel like family. To have them come to your house and be like family, it was really special.
"It's kind of a cool family thing that happens with the Seahawks and their fans. I just think the Seahawks have the best team as far as how they treat their fans. It was really neat, something we'll always remember."
If there was any downside to the surprise visit—other than that the Homer's weren't quite prepared for so many guests when it came to the amount of ribs they had cooked—it's that the bar for Jessy's future birthday celebrations might have been set a bit too high.
"We're in trouble from now on," Jennifer Homer said. "She said, 'They're coming back next weekend?' The joke is, what are we going to do for her Sweet 16?"
On the way from Moses Lake to Spokane a Seahawks fan offered to share some home cooked ribs and baked good on Twitter. Hungry for some home cooking the crew stopped to say hello.