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What The Seahawks Said Following Their Season Opener Against The Broncos

Take a look at what the Seahawks said following their meeting in Week 1 against the Broncos. 

Head Coach Pete Carroll

Opening statement... "It's unfortunate today that we didn't find a way to get this win. It's been really hard for people to beat these guys here over the years and I knew that going in. I saw us with a chance, way late in the game; we were in it with a chance to win it. Even despite the things that had occurred early, that kept us from being in better command of it. It's frustrating to not get that from them and they did a good job to finish out the game. They finished the game moving the ball and running the clock and all of that and they did a nice job. For us, some similar things occurred in this game that you heard the themes before, third downs, we were lousy and it was because we were third-and-nine, six times or whatever it was, actually it was seven times plus and we didn't run the ball as well as we wanted to and we wound up getting sacked a bunch of times, those are just similar issues and disappointing on the offensive side. Defensively, we played in spurts really well and we gave some easy plays to them. They threw a flat route for a 30-yard touchdown pass and they threw a crossing route for 40-yard touchdown pass. Those are really easy plays to not let happen and those were big plays in this game. There was a lot of really good stuff played at the line of scrimmage at times and then we gave up some running plays late. It's not a very clean game for us, but after all of that, we felt like we could've won that game and we really had a great chance to do that. It's really frustrating, I can see the newness of us and then we got in trouble on some stuff on defense, some easy mistakes and things that are really easily cleaned up, but they happened and they were problems for us. We've got a lot work to do, but we've got a lot of fight and we competed like crazy and we ended up making plays, got the turnovers that we wanted to see, and had a chance to tilt that thing in the other direction if we could've taken advantage of all of that. We scored pretty good in the turnover situations, did a nice job there, but it just wasn't enough and they ended up getting a nice win to start this thing off."

On what happened when he threw the challenge flag late... "They went fast, they were going fast and I had a couple of seconds to throw it and I've got to find an official. It kind of set me back for a moment and I just delayed and they were going so fast that they got it off. I threw it, but he said it was too late to call it, which I'm sure he was right about that. I just needed to respond a little bit faster. I didn't hear the word from upstairs as quickly as I needed to get it executed before they hurried up. They did a nice job of getting on the ball. I never even saw the play, I just went on what my guys told me upstairs that the ball was loose and we just didn't get it. We just missed it by a second and unfortunately, we didn't get it done. There was enough time to do it, if I just threw it, but I had to do it kind of blindly because I didn't get the words. That's how the hurry up does help you, once in a while."

On WR Tyler Lockett's touchdown catch... "I don't know if you can see a more beautiful play than that. It was gorgeous. I'm sitting here right now thinking that should've won the game for us and it was just so extraordinarily executed and perfectly handled by both guys and the guys upfront and all of that. That's too bad that wasn't the winning play in the game."

On TE Will Dissly's touchdown... "He was on fire. He was Ditka, he was like [Pro Football Hall of Famer] Mike Ditka out there. He just missed a couple other ones too, we just overthrew him a bit. He might have had two or three more catches. He was really in the right spot and he deployed well for the game plan and all that. And again, we have been talking about this, he is doing great for us and I am really happy to see him contribute like that.

On P Michael Dickson's performance... "Oh my Gosh, what a kicker man, what a kicker. I don't know what his numbers wound up at but he is a fantastic part of our team and we are just getting warmed up with him, he is really something. I mean, the punts were gorgeous, but not just the distance of the punts, but the placement of the punts too, you know. The guys covered well too, we had the one return and there was a penalty on that one so we did really well covering for him as well. I was concerned in this game that he kicked the ball so far that we would just stretch out the coverage so much and here is "Packman" [Seahawks CB Adam "Packman" Jones] back there with all that room and I thought maybe it would be difficult, but, our guys did a really good job there."

On how CB Tre Flowers did in coverage... "I thought he played pretty good, the one fade route was really all they got on him, and he was right on it, so I don't know, maybe I missed something else."

Wide Receiver Brandon Marshall

On the game... "Sloppy. Sloppy across the board but the good thing about that is you can fix that, you can correct it. We played pretty sharp all through the preseason, all through camp, so it was tough to put that on tape and put that performance out there. At the same time, like I said, it's correctable."

On his path to Seattle and returning to play Denver... "It's so many emotions. When you look at other guys and their paths and their journeys, the [Cardinals WR Larry] Fitzgerald's, even Demaryius Thomas being able to be with one team for a long time, it's kind of a dream. On the other hand, when you step back and look at the experiences that I've had and the people that I've met along the way, being in so many places and amazing organizations, it's a blessing. I've got another blessing in front of me playing with the Seahawks trying to go out the right way and we'll see what happens."

On having his touchdown called back for offensive pass interference... "He could've let it go but it was the right call. I didn't have to do that. "Pacman" (Broncos CB Adam Jones) gave me what I wanted. That really hurt our offense. We were able to get three out of it but coming into a hostile environment like this, every play counts and every drive is important. That was a setback for our offense."

On first game with the Seahawks... "I'm not looking forward to watching this film. There's so much more growth. It's definitely a blessing and I'm grateful for the opportunity to play some ball with this organization. When I look back at the offseason that I've had and where I've come from, I'm just so thankful and grateful. That was a tough start but at the same time, I'm just happy to be out here."

Quarterback Russell Wilson

Opening thoughts... "I thought we had a lot of really good plays and I thought we made some crucial plays when we needed to. We didn't give up or anything like that. We kept fighting in a tough environment. I think that in the first half, we didn't really give ourselves a chance. We had some big penalties and different stuff that wasn't us. We hadn't shown that all preseason. There was some really good stuff in there despite that. We played a really tough defense. This is one of the best defenses we will face all year. They have, obviously, [OLB] Von [Miller], who is a great player and made some key plays. I thought guys like [WR] Tyler Lockett fought his tail off. I thought [Seahawks WR] Brandon Marshall was exciting tonight. We almost had him for a touchdown with him on the end line. That would have been really cool. I thought as well that the [offensive] line kept fighting. They kept battling. Any time we have a chance at the end of the game, we think that we can win. It's not going to happen every time, but we always believe it's going to. We gave ourselves a chance. I thought the defense battled their way through and continued to try to make some plays. I thought it was a complete team effort in the sense of giving ourselves a chance to win against a really good football team."

On not having much of a running game... "The reality of the situation was in the first half, we didn't have the ball that much. That's really where the running game didn't get many plays. I think that was it. It wasn't intentional or anything like that. We didn't get enough runs. You want to be able to run the ball really well and we have been all preseason. The reality is the first drive we were three-and-out. The second one, we scored a touchdown and then they had the ball again for a while. It's just one of those games that they had probably 30 or 40 plays and we probably had 12 or 15 in the first half. I'm not 100-percent sure of that, but that's what it felt like. We want to be able to hand it off to the big man (RB Chris Carson) and let him run the ball and do his thing. Hopefully we can do that next week."

On whether the strong start by the Broncos defense made him question if it was going to be a long day... "No, they've got playmakers. They're going to make plays. You can't play out there scared or anything. You have to go for it and we did. We had a chance there. We scored 24 points and also had another touchdown with Brandon that unfortunately got called back. We were making plays, even not being at our best. That's the most exciting thing. That's the thing that you look forward to. You think about guys like [TE Will] Disley making plays. You think like guys like Chris Carson making a couple plays here and there when he needed to. Unfortunately, that screen got called back but that was pretty cool, him jumping over the guy on his run. There are so many things. It's good to get [RB Rashaad] Penny out there for the first time for his first NFL experience. I mentioned Disley already, his first touchdown, that's a big deal. That's a really big deal. Even Brandon Marshall, he's played so much football, he's caught so many footballs in his career. To do it at the level he's doing it, at the age and just the experience he does it with, and the leadership he does it with, it's great to see that. To see him make plays when we needed to, that was exciting. There was a lot of exciting football. Tyler Lockett making that deep play down the field, that's really cool. It's a tough environment. It's never easy coming to Denver in our first game of the year. That's not an excuse but the reality is, they have some really good football players. We had a chance and hopefully we'll win it next time."

On the play of Dissly... "He's been great all training camp. He has been great all OTAs. He's been a rock star for us. I think he's been rock solid. He has been able to step into the role of playing tight end and making plays. He is very fundamental. He's very smart. He gets the game. He is one of our best athletes in general. He can do a little bit of everything. He played a great game. We'll get everyone else involved too, as well. I think it'll be an exciting year for us. The good thing is, it was game one. You either win it or lose it. At the end of the day, you get back out there, get your blood flowing again. Hopefully the next game, you get a big win. It is going to be challenging obviously going to Chicago. Playing in Chicago, I like Chicago. Hopefully we can go there and find a way to beat a really good football team and good defense. We are up for the challenge. This is never going to be easy. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. I think for us, we are looking forward to the challenge of getting better, continuing to improve, and continuing to do what we do best. We were able to score 24 without being at our best. How much more can we do? How much better can we be? That is what I look forward to. It was real cool seeing [FS] Earl [Thomas] make that play. As a friend, a guy I've been able to talk to and been able to admire throughout his career and play with him, he's a play-maker. That was cool to see him and talk to him in the locker room. He's excited. He loves the game of football."

On being sacked six times... "I think a couple of those were on me. Granted, third down, I am trying to make a play. If it's not there, I am not trying to just give up on the play. I would definitely say probably three of those are on me just trying to make a play and it's not there. It's a part of the game. I lot of great things have happened when I've scrambled. A lot of good things have happened like the touchdown to Brandon. It was third down. It wasn't there. I moved a little bit then boom – touchdown. You just have to play the game. I thought our line did a really good job. They made a couple plays obviously. Obviously, the first play of the game, then also in the second quarter Von made a really nice one. I take the blame for some of those for sure. It is just playing ball, trying to go for it, trying to find something and make something happen."

On the youth of the Seahawks... "I think there is a lot of youth. For guys like Dissly and guys like [OLB] Shaquem [Girffin], players getting in for the first time, and even guys like Brandon who have come in here and are playing with us for the first time and has played as good as he did, that is exciting. Those are the things we look forward to. I look back to 2012, I remember my first game in the NFL playing the Arizona Cardinals on the road. We lost a nail-biter at the very end. We were able to win our second game. Fast forward, it was a challenging and tough season but we ended up 11-5. There is a lot more season left. I think the great thing is, these young guys are getting in there and playing. It is going to be a great thing for us down the road. I look forward to it."

Center Justin Britt

On the Seahawks' offensive line's performance today... "We're competitive. We're grinders. We're smart. We're fast. We're physical. We've just go to today true to us. You know, taking care of the ball and being physical and dominating the line of scrimmage and the perimeter. We've got to keep our defense off the field."

On how he and the Seahawks' offensive line assesses Broncos' six sacks... "We're not young. We're not a young group. We're veterans. We don't want that to happen. We want to keep [Seahawks QB] Russ(el Wilson) from getting hit all day if we can. Some things are out of our control and some things are our technique. The things that we can change and fix, we will. We'll grow. Like I said, next week is another opportunity to show who we are."

Defensive End Frank Clark

On what the Broncos did well offensively... "Everything was quick. They challenged us in the middle of the field, and of course, you know we have younger guys at the linebacker core. They challenged our rush, which we have inexperience there. I think that's what they did a good job of doing, in their protections, slowing us down that way. I think going into next week we need to do a better job in practice with preparing."

 On the Broncos protection schemes... "It was stuff we were expecting, but, at the end of the day, they have a great quarterback in Case Keenum, over there. He's doing a great job with his drop backs and getting the ball off quick. You can't hate on that, you need to congratulate a guy like that when he can get the job done."

On the new players and inexperience on defense... "Yeah, we felt the inexperience. At the end of the day, I feel like when you have new guys that buy into the system its always going to take time to mesh. We're still young, we have some inexperience at all positions. We have mistakes all over the board, especially for us on defense. We missed tackles, we let some big runs go up the middle, and stuff like that. We need to do a better job converting on our play action, so we can get to the quarterback. We got to give our offense a chance to make more plays. At the end of the day, we need to get the ball. We need to win the turnover battle.

On expecting things to not go perfectly... "It's expected, but at the end of the day, it's also not expected. We have a lot of guys who have been doing this since April, we have a lot of guys who have been in the league for a long time, and its expected for them, that they will be ready. It's expected for them to come in and know their jobs, and know what it takes to be a part of that Seahawk defense. I feel like us, the guys who have been here, the veterans, I feel like it's our job to bring those younger guys along."

Tight End Will Dissly

On his first NFL game... "It was just a cool opportunity to go out there that first game, and to do some special things. [Seahawks QB] Russ [Russell Wilson] was awesome, putting the ball right where it needs to be. I just have to make some plays. Obviously, we have some work to do going forward, but it was a cool way to start for sure."

On what he saw on his 66-yard reception... "You can't slow down at all. When you see green grass, you are pushing pedal to the medal and are trying to go as fast as you can. It is kind of funny, you don't really think, you just are reacting. I was fortunate to make some big plays."

On the gameplan going in and how it was executed... "One thing that we can work on is starting fast. In the preseason, we came out and did some really good things. Moving forward, I think we can get back to that. I think we are going to find our niche, find our groove, and we are going to get better this next week and go forward from there."

On if the team had any fatigue... "I am not going to make excuses at all. I think our offense is really cool and really dynamic. We have a lot of playmakers. We just have to clean some stuff up. It is Week 1 and it is a long season. We have a lot of work to do and we can get some wins out of it."

On what he learned after facing Broncos pass-rushers... "They do some cool things. We had a cool game-plan for them with some chips off the edge, but they were still able to get to the quarterback. That is definitely one area we need to clean out. It was just another game. Everyone was playing football and everyone is working really hard. A lot of people did some cool things out there."

Wide Receiver Tyler Lockett

On what he saw on his touchdown... "We kind of had an idea of what they were going to do. We talked about it with [Seahawks QB] Russell (Wilson) and Schotty (Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer). Russell made a good adjustment when we got up to the line and just like we expected, the safety over cheated on that side and I cut across the field. We saw that when we were on film. It was something that we kind of wanted to do. We didn't keep ourselves on schedule to be able to set people up to put ourselves in that position. I think that is the thing that really hurt. They had a great pass-rush, and they did a great job of keeping us off our tempo that we wanted to be able to do. We did some good things, but a lot of the bad things that we did, hurt us. That is the thing that we can't do, especially with the talent we have on this team."

Safety Bradley McDougald

On having three turnovers despite the loss... "It really just shows that we are still playing Seahawks football. [Seahawks Head Coach] Pete [Carroll] drives that motto home every day. We showed that we were capable of doing that today, which is huge because we didn't have any turnovers during the preseason. To come out in our first game and do that really means something."

On the big plays that the Broncos had on them... "It's really on us. Guys just need to make better reads, make better schemes, or just communicate better. The Broncos did a good job of hurrying up the tempo, and guys just need to communicate better. We're working hard, but guys just need to communicate better and get to where their supposed to be."

On the three interceptions the defense had... "It felt good to give the offense the ball and another chance. I would have loved to score one or catch the first one I dropped, but I'm just glad to do anything to help the offense get the ball back and score."

Safety Earl Thomas

On his interception... "I've got to see it on film. I stayed with it, I read the QB, he stared the target down, I jumped in front of it, and I thought I had a pick-six. It felt good; I haven't had one like that in a minute."

On how he felt playing on a pitch count... "I think I had about 65 plays. I felt good. I felt like my training with my brother and my team back home has been great and has been right on it. The only thing right now is my big toe hurt and my feet hurt, but that's about it."

On how it was playing with new faces on the defense... "They've been center-pieces in the defense for a long time, but now we've got new faces, but I had a great time out there. We haven't had that many turnovers in a while, even when those guys were here."

Game action photos from the Seahawks' 2018 season opener against the Denver Broncos.
