Legion of Youth Powered by Boeing: Neobots
Legion of Youth, powered by Boeing is a Seahawks gameday ticket experience for community organizations that serve youth throughout the Northwest. NeoBots is part of FIRST Washington which inspires all young people to be science and technology leaders by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, inspire innovation, and foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

Soren (17)
Neobots has helped me discover a passion for engineering that I did not know existed. It has shaped what I want to do for my future. I have learned so much about engineering and it's really just an invaluable experience.

Blake (17)
It's always the encouragement from teammates as we work our way through the season that I like most about Neobots. Also build is fun.

Jared (17)
I've enjoyed getting a lot of experience programming, which will help me when applying to colleges and future jobs.

Casey (15)
My dream is to enter the Air force as a computer specialist.

Krystal (16)
Bill Anderson inspires me because all the stories that my gramy tells me about him are him not giving up and he was in World War II so I want to take the military path because of him and my biological dad but when ever someone told my grampy no he just kept going.

Darby (17)
The people in Neobots are really awesome and I always learn cool engineering things almost every time I go.

Dustin (16)
My dad inspires me because he has gotten his foot in the door for me because of how many social links in the world he has. I want the ability to talk to people the way he does.

Katie (16)
I enjoy the teamwork and the friendships I've made through Neobots, along with the experience of competition without having to be on the field directly to enjoy it. The friendly competition is also very nice, not having to worry about the other team wanting to secretly destroy you.

Conner (17)
I hope to learn how to draw and become ether an animator or a game designer. I also want to pick up photography as a side job.

Ali (15)
My time in Neobots has indeed changed my future for the better. It has opened many doors of opportunity for me and has allowed me to find interests in carers I didn't know existed.

Meghan (16)
Neobots will help me if I choose to go into a STEM field, but the skills I've acquired in leadership and communication will help me throughout life.

Jessica (14)
My dreams/goals are to go to college and possibly be a chemist.

Gavyn (16)
Neobots helps me be more open and more of a team player.

Andrew (15)
I have enjoyed the opportunity to build something and having a say in it. It's really cool that the whole club is basically student run and that I'm actually contributing.

Tammo (16)
Elon Musk inspires me because he has such nice ideas. And because he tries to do so many things at the same time.

Darius (17)
Probably my favorite part of the Neobots program is the spirit of gracious professionalism around the club. We don't always do well at competitions, however; we take every loss as a learning experience, and even if we aren't doing so well at a particular competition, we're always among the first to lend a helping hand to a fellow team.

Erika (15)
My friendships here are forever. I think if I hadn't joined this club, I would still be shy to give an opinion. Neobots has made me a lot less scared of that.

Aaron (15)
The part of the Neobots program that I have enjoyed the most are the competitions because it is really rewarding to see all of the hard work we put into ate robot pay off.

Brenna (17)
Being with this team has already opened up so many opportunities that I would have never imagined I would get to participate in. And it has already made me a more confident person, and helped me solidify my career path. I can only imagine that being in this club will open many more doors for me, and it will always be a part of me.

Jakob (17)
Besides the fact that I constantly get to do work I enjoy, the people in this group are great. It's always fun to get together on meeting days, and it's great to see what everybody is accomplishing. The environment is super welcoming; our meetings might begin moderately formal, but by the middle of the day, it really boils down to a bunch of kids casually hanging out and working together to build robots, create activities, and do whatever crazy things we feel like in our free time. It feels a lot less like work, and more like hanging out with a giant group of friends.

Isaac (14)
Nikola Tesla inspires me, because he shows what your imagination and some grit can get done. He was an amazing inventor that changed the world of electricity and inventing itself.

Spencer (15)
Work hard for what you want, what you put in to something is what you will get out of it.