Legion of Youth Powered by Boeing: Techbridge Girls
Legion of Youth, powered by Boeing, is a Seahawks gameday ticket experience for community organizations that serve youth throughout the Northwest. The Seahawks vs. Chargers game featured Techbridge Girls. Techbridge Girls excites, educates, and equips girls from low-income communities by delivering high-quality STEM programming that empowers a girl to achieve economic mobility and better life chances.

Techbridge Girls excites, educates, and equips girls from low-income communities by delivering high-quality STEM programming that empowers a girl to achieve economic mobility and better life chances. Click through to learn about some of the amazing youth!

Itzury Montes (13)
"Techbridge has changed my life in a positive way because it's inspired me. In society, girls are told they can't do things like be doctors or dentists or something big, and now that I'm in Techbridge I know that I can and I really want to be a doctor or a vet."

Shawn Turner (18)
"I want to be a Child Development Psychologist, but my back up dream job would be a Developer or the person that does all the "behind the curtains" codes for websites and apps and such."

Alexis Atkins (11)
"I like doing fun activities with Techbridge Girls. It has helped me learn about helping others and other people with disabilities."

Kaiah Mitchell (13)
"Forget the past and never give up."

Samira Diriye (12)
"Design and engineering interests me. It will affect me in life because to be a scientist you have to be able to solve problems."

Kalkidan Kabeto (13)
"My dream is to help kids in need. I want to be a pediatrician."

Hooda Mahamud (12)
"Technology interests me because there could be things that are a problem and there are people around the world like me and other girls who could fix it."

Elena Manginsay (12)
"Never let what people say get to you."

Anisa Fahiya (14)
"I would say follow your dreams even if people won't support you and there are stereotypes that go against you. In the end, you will prove them wrong."

Hawi Samuel (14)
"An obstacle I overcame was when I came to the US when I was 7 and even though it was hard getting used to things, like the language and people. My parents, teachers, and friends helped me."

Leslie Valenzuela (13)
"My sister inspires me because she was one of the first people in my family to go to college."

Michelle Delgado-Alvarez (15)
"Techbridge has changed my life by the opportunities it gives you within STEM and different career options woman have within that field. It has also increased my interest in jobs I have never thought of pursuing, helping me knowing what I want to do in the future."

Valentina Meija (13)
"Techbridge has made me more confident in myself. Before I came to Techbridge I wasn't as confident. Techbridge taught me to be more confident and I have made new friends."

Sarah Sami (12)
"My mom and dad inspire me because they're both hard-working and show me a lot of love."

Andrea Zamora-Felix (13)
"To hear that there's only a small percentage of women in STEM motivates me to work in it. I want to use STEM to help people live their daily lives."

Moncerrat Dominguez (13)
"Do more. Don't procrastinate because if you do it's going to be really hard to get to your goals in life. You'll only get to your goals if you try really hard."

Annaiya Hawkins (11)
"I've overcome being shy and not caring about others opinions."

Julia Montes (13)
"When I grow up I want to be an engineer and Techbridge helps me because it shows me the engineering design process."

Bahishta Sami (13, on right)
"Techbridge has shown me that girls are equal with boys and can do whatever men can do."

Danica Braun (13)
"I have more confidence because of my time with Techbridge."

Amani Nelson (16)
"To be honest, there is no one specific person who inspires me. I am inspired by people who fight for their dreams, are humble about their success, and strive to make humanity happier as a whole. I am inspired by people like this such as Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, and the countless others because they live meaningful lives changing many others, which is something I strive for."

Estrella Cervantes
