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Seahawks Return From Weekend Off Eager, Enthused & Knowing 'It's All In Front Of Us'

The Seahawks are back to work after a short break, feeling confident they can get back on track quickly.


When the Seahawks got back together Monday following a weekend off, there wasn't screaming, nor was there finger pointing.

Instead, as players have described this week, the week started with some honest reflection, led by head coach Mike Macdonald, on the team's three recent losses, and a discussion on how to clean up the issues that contributed to three consecutive losses following a 3-0 start to the season.

"Monday was helpful," said safety Julian Love. "Everybody addressed problems or issues that we were seeing, and just went over some black and white corrections. And they identified some areas that might have been gray for players, for coaches even, so we can work in a more straightforward way."

Said receiver DK Metcalf, "Monday was a very much needed team meeting where Mike just told us the truth of, it's not anything the other teams are doing. We're just hurting ourselves, penalties, giving the ball away, not getting the ball on defense. So he just basically told us the truth of what we need to clean up moving forward. We all took it the right way, and we're ready to finish the season."

Macdonald said the weekend off allowed for a "full digest of where we're at as a football team. We were able to identify as many things as we can on each side of the ball without going crazy—there's only so many things you can get done in a week—but just take it one step at a time."

That full digest, Macdonald said, confirmed a lot of what was clear coming out of the loss to the 49ers, but also gave coaches a chance to highlight the positives that have helped the Seahawks win three games and be competitive in three losses.

"It's a lot of confirmation of things we felt like we needed to work on," he said. "It is nice to hear about some of the things that we're doing well on both sides of the ball, situationally, special teams. Without getting into the specifics of giving the opponent things we need to work on, but you guys probably know the things we need to work on that show up. Those aren't secrets by any stretch. But as a unit, and in position rooms, 'Hey this is where our players are showing up in a good way, and then this is where maybe some technique things, some process things, how we're coaching some things, where our sweet spots are schematically,' we were able to shine some light on that as well."

And the upshot after a long weekend for players is that the team is back to work feeling refreshed physically, and also like it knows what it will take to get back on track.

"We felt some good energy this morning, guys are enthused," Macdonald said. "We're eager. It's all in front of us. The guys know we have such an opportunity. We're 3-3, we haven't been playing our best ball, and we felt like we had an opportunity to win each game in some stretch. It felt like, 'Hey there's an opportunity for us to become a great team,' so we've got to go do it."

As Love described it, the problem in recent losses hasn't been a lack of talent, nor is it a bad scheme, it's just players failing to do the little things to make it all come together, which is a much easier fix than some other problem could present in-season.

"The big problem you might have would be like, 'Oh man, this guy can't play man coverage.' That's a personnel thing, it's not that," he said. "It's really just guys being tight on the details of their job. And that's good. Mike addressed that also, it was like, 'Listen, this is what we're doing well. We're doing some things very well across the league, and these are some things we're not doing well. That's how we're 3-3, that's why we're exactly in the middle.' So I think it was helpful just to know that, man, it's us against us. It's us against us, we just have to do our stuff well."

For players, there's always some curiosity how a new head coach will handle the first dose of adversity, and Macdonald's matter-of-fact assessment of the team and what needs to happen next has gone over well with players.

"He keeps a great perspective of where we're at," Love said. "Understanding like, man, a few of these moments, a few of these games, we were in it. There were a few things, a few situations we didn't execute on, and that put us in this place. He just attacks each day by keeping it black and white. He's not an angry guy at all. It's easy to come in and just MF everybody, but he tries to just put in perspective and provides solutions for players, which I really appreciate."

Added Metcalf, "I think they've done a pretty good job of it. We just have to stick together and hear what they're saying and take the coaching and not get in our feelings about it or take it personal. But like Mike said Monday, we're all after the same goal and it's still a very attainable goal."

The Seahawks held a practice on Wednesday, October 16 at the Virginia Mason Athletic to prepare for their upcoming Week 7 matchup at Atlanta.

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