RENTON, Wash. – The Seattle Seahawks announced today the club has been granted international marketing rights in Germany and the DACH Region, including Austria and Switzerland, as part of the NFL's Global Markets Program.
"The 12s are known around the world for being one of the most passionate fan bases in the NFL, and our fans in Germany and the DACH Region are no exception," said Chuck Arnold, President, Seattle Seahawks and First & Goal Inc. "Playing in Munich in 2022, we met so many incredible Seahawks fans who had traveled from across the region to cheer us on. We are excited to further expand our fan engagement efforts internationally and foster an even closer relationship with our fans in Germany, Austria and Switzerland moving forward."
The NFL's Global Markets Program, which launched in January 2022, was previously referred to as the International Home Marketing Areas (IHMA) program. The program grants NFL clubs access to international markets for marketing, fan engagement and commercial activations in an effort to build their brands globally.
The Seahawks have long had a strong international fan base and have amplified their global brand presence through their "12s Everywhere" fan engagement program. During the 2022 season, the Seahawks played in front of a sold-out nearly 70,000 crowd at the NFL's first ever game in Germany at Allianz Arena in Munich. While in Munich, the team saw nearly 10,000 Seahawks fans visit its "Seahawks Haus" team pub activation over the three-day period. The team's "German Sea Hawkers" fan chapter is the second largest Seahawks fan club outside of Washington state and has more than 1,800 members. Hundreds of German Sea Hawkers have traveled to home games at Lumen Field, with more than 100 members attending the team's Thanksgiving game in Seattle in 2023. Additional countries and regions with Sea Hawkers fan club chapters include Spain, France, Latin America, Ireland and the UK, among others.
The Seahawks were previously awarded expansion into Canada as part of the NFL program in 2021, where the team has since hosted regular fan engagement events across British Columbia, including NFL Flag and youth football programs.
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Auf Deutsch:
Seattle Seahawks erhalten internationale Marketingrechte für Deutschland und die DACH-Region im Rahmen des NFL Global Markets Program
Das Team erweitert seinen internationalen Auftritt; bereits seit 2021 bestehende Vermarktungsrechte in Kanada
RENTON, Washington. - Die Seattle Seahawks gaben heute bekannt, dass das Team im Rahmen des Global Markets Program (GMP) der National Football League (NFL) internationale Marketingrechte für Deutschland und die DACH-Region, einschließlich Österreich und der Schweiz, erhalten hat.
"Die 12s sind weltweit für ihre leidenschaftlichsten Fans in der NFL bekannt, und unsere Fans in Deutschland und der DACH-Region sind dabei keine Ausnahme", sagte Chuck Arnold, Präsident der Seattle Seahawks und der First & Goal Inc. "Als wir 2022 in München spielten, trafen wir so viele unglaubliche Seahawks-Fans, die aus verschiedenen Regionen angereist waren, um uns anzufeuern. Wir freuen uns darauf, unser Fan-Engagement international weiter auszubauen und in Zukunft eine noch engere Beziehung zu unseren Fans in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu pflegen."
Das Global Markets Program der NFL, das im Januar 2022 startete, wurde zunächst als International Home Marketing Areas (IHMA) bezeichnet. Das Programm gewährt NFL Klubs Zugang zu internationalen Märkten für Marketingmaßnahmen, Fan-Engagement und kommerzielle Aktivitäten mit dem Ziel, ihre Marken weltweit aufzubauen .
Die Seahawks haben seit langem eine starke internationale Fanbase und haben ihre globale Markenpräsenz durch ihr "12s Everywhere"-Fan-Engagement-Programm verstärkt. In der Saison 2022 spielten die Seahawks beim ersten NFL-Spiel in Deutschland in der ausverkauften Allianz Arena in München vor fast 70.000 Zuschauern. Während des Aufenthalts in München besuchten fast 10.000 Seahawks-Fans das Team Pub "Seahawks Haus", das während der drei Tage rund um das Spiel aktiviert wurde. Der Fanclub "German Sea Hawkers" ist der zweitgrößte Seahawks-Fanclub außerhalb des Staates Washington und hat mehr als 1.800 Mitglieder. Hunderte von deutschen Sea Hawkers sind zu Heimspielen nach Lumen Field gereist, und mehr als 100 Mitglieder haben das Thanksgiving-Spiel des Teams in Seattle im Jahr 2023 besucht. Weitere Länder und Regionen mit Sea-Hawkers-Fanclubs sind u. a. Spanien, Frankreich, Lateinamerika, Irland und UK.
Die Seahawks hatten bereits 2021 den Zuschlag für die Expansion nach Kanada im Rahmen des NFL-Programms erhalten. Seitdem hat das Team in ganz British-Columbia regelmäßig Veranstaltungen zur Einbindung von Fans organisiert, darunter NFL Flag und Jugend-Football-Programme.
Follow us: @SeahawksDeutsch auf Instagram und @SeahawksDeutschland TikTok und unter
Marshawn Lynch goes "International Beast Mode" in advance of the Seahawks' trip to Germany to face the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on November 13. Take a look at some behind-the-scenes photos from his tour through Munich. Watch the full series here.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.

Marshawn Lynch tours Munich Germany in advance of the Seattle Seahawks' International Game, taking place during the 2022 season.