Hast du schon mal darüber nachgedacht, wie viele Sonntage es noch sind, bis du wieder ein NFL-Spiel live sehen kannst? Gut gemeinter Tipp: Spar dir die Rechnerei, es ist sowieso noch viel zu lange hin!
Die schlechte Nachricht ist: Richtig gespielt wird in der NFL nur sechs Monate lang, von September bis maximal Mitte Februar. Aber es gibt auch eine gute Nachricht: Die Saison in der besten Football-Liga der Welt hat auch in der spielfreien Zeit jede Menge Programm.
Die folgenden fünf für die Seahawks extrem richtungsweisenden Termine musst du dir in den Kalender eintragen.
24. Februar bis 3. März: NFL Scouting Combine
Für die Stars der Zukunft die große Chance, sich den NFL-Teams zu präsentieren. Für Fans eher eine Veranstaltung mit dem Vibe von Unterhosen-Olympia. Beim NFL Scouting Combine kommen Ende Februar die besten Nachwuchsspieler aus dem College im Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis zusammen, um ihre Skills den Scouts, Trainern und Managern der 32 Teams zu präsentieren.
Ihr Ziel: Bei den Entscheidungsträgern einen so guten Eindruck zu hinterlassen, dass diese sie Ende April im NFL Draft auswählen. Je früher im Draft, desto lukrativer der Vertrag.
Die ehemaligen College-Spieler werden in einer Reihe von Workouts, Interviews, Tests und Medizinchecks auf Herz und Nieren geprüft. Sie müssen schnell rennen, Gewichte stemmen, um Hütchen rennen, Bälle werfen und fangen – und teils wilde Fragen beantworten ("Wärst du lieber eine Katze oder ein Hund?", "Welche Farbe hat Schokolade?", "Hast du Angst vor Clowns?")
Du erinnerst dich vielleicht noch an diesen Moment von 2019, als ein gewisser DK Metcalf oben ohne ins Meeting mit den Seahawks spazierte, um seinen Muskel-Maschinen-Körper zu präsentieren.
Seattles damaliger Head Coach Pete Carroll wollte das so nicht stehen lassen und zog ebenfalls blank. Legendär – und genau deshalb solltest du den Combine nicht verpassen!
12. März: Transferperiode startet
Menschen, die den Gregorianischen Kalender nutzen, sagen am 1. Januar "Frohes neues Jahr!". Footballspieler wiederholen diesen Gruß wenige Wochen später noch einmal. In der NFL beginnt das neue Liga-Jahr Mitte März – und mit diesem Tag öffnet auch das Transferfenster.
Ab diesem Termin dürfen vertragslose Profis bei einem neuen Team unterschreiben. Vertragsverhandlungen dürfen bereits zwei Tage vorher beginnen, offiziell bestätigt werden dürfen Transfers aber erst am 12. März um 22 Uhr deutscher Zeit.
Bei den Seahawks sind 16 Spieler zum Stichtag vertragslos, sofern bis dahin keine Verlängerung zustande kommt: Tight End Pharaoh Brown, Cornerback Tre Brown, Cornerback Artie Burns, Offensive Tackle Stone Forsythe, Linebacker Trevis Gipson, Defensive Tackle Johnathan Hankins, Linebacker Ernest Jones IV, Defensive Tackle Jarran Reed, Offensive Guard Laken Tomlinson, Safety K'Von Wallace, Wide Receiver Jaelon Darden, Cornerback Josh Jobe, Linebacker Joshua Onujiogu, Linebacker Josh Ross, Tight End Brady Russell und Wide Receiver Cody White.
Eine der obersten Prioritäten für die Seahawks ist die Verlängerung mit Defensiv-Anker Ernest Jones IV. Der Linebacker war Mitte der Saison 2024 per Trade nach Seattle gekommen und hatte einen großen Anteil daran, dass die Defense in der zweiten Saisonhälfte die Wende schaffte.
Head Coach Mike Macdonald schwärmt von Jones' Spiel. Der Verteidiger zeigte sich am Ende der Saison zuversichtlich, dass ein Vertrag zustande kommt, damit er bleiben kann. "Wir lieben ihn", sagte Macdonald. "Er ist ein großartiger Spieler, und er hat eine Gelassenheit, die ich respektiere. Er würde sich in vielen Teams gut machen, aber ich denke, er passt gut zu uns. Wir lieben ihn, und ich glaube, er liebt es hier auch."
24. bis 26. April: NFL Draft 2025
"Mit dem 18. Pick im NFL Draft 2025 wählen die Seattle Seahawks …!"
In Green Bay in Wisconsin an historischer Stätte rund ums Lambeau Field der Packers beginnt Ende April die Zukunft. Seattle geht Stand heute mit dem 18. Pick ins Rennen um die größten Nachwuchstalente.
Wen die Seahawks mit ihrem Erstrundenpick auswählen und wie viele Auswahlmöglichkeiten sie insgesamt über die drei Tage verteilt in Green Bay haben werden, steht noch nicht fest. Zum einen hängt das davon ab, ob Manager John Schneider mit den aktuell vorhandenen Picks noch Tauschgeschäfte macht (für Ernest Jones IV und Leonard Williams haben die Seahawks unter anderem einen Viert- und einen Fünftrundenpick hergegeben, für Darrell Taylor einen Sechstrundenpick erhalten). Zum anderen steht noch nicht fest, wie viele Kompensationspicks Seattle für hochkarätige Abgänge zusätzlich erhält.
Hast du gewusst? Nach dem Draft dauert es meist nur noch etwa zwei Wochen, ehe die NFL den Spielplan für die neue Saison bekannt gibt. Und dann geht schon fast die Vorbereitung los.
Mitte Juli: Seahawks Training Camp
Schon im April dürfen Teams, die nach der Saison nicht ihren Cheftrainer ausgetauscht haben, mit dem Offseason-Trainingsprogramm beginnen. Die Workouts sind zu diesem Zeitpunkt in der Regel noch freiwillig. Bis zum verpflichtenden Trainingslager im Juli kommen die Spieler noch ein paar Mal zusammen, um Teambuilding und Konditionseinheiten zu absolvieren.
Für die neu gedrafteten Spieler steigt Anfang Mai am Wochenende ein dreitägiges Rookie Minicamp, bei dem die Coaches ihre neu gedrafteten Spieler und weitere Tryout-Kandidaten zum ersten Mal auf dem Spielfeld anweisen dürfen und sie ans NFL-Tempo gewöhnen.
Für die erfahrenen Profis wird's dann erst Mitte bis Ende Juli ernst – das Training Camp beginnt. Die meisten NFL-Teams starten rund um den 23. Juli in ihr intensives Trainingslager. Die Seahawks veranstalteten ihres in den vergangenen Jahren immer vor Hunderten Fans auf dem Trainingsgelände, dem Virginia Mason Athletic Center.
Anfang September: Kickoff der 50. NFL-Saison der Seahawks
Am 12. September 1976 starteten die Seahawks in ihre erste NFL-Saison überhaupt. 50 Jahre später, voraussichtlich am Sonntag, den 7. September 2025, beginnt für Seattle die goldene Jubiläumssaison. Nur fürs Kickoff Game gegen den Super Bowl Champion, Philadelphia Eagles, kommt das Team von Head Coach Mike Macdonald nicht infrage, da die beiden Konkurrenten dieses Jahr nicht aufeinandertreffen.
Kurzer Rückblick: In seiner Premieren-Spielzeit gelangen dem Team aus dem Nordwesten der USA nur zwei Siege. Ein halbes Jahrhundert später ist der Anspruch der Seahawks ein anderer, nachdem sie 2024, in der ersten Saison unter neuem Cheftrainer, nur hauchdünn die Playoffs verpasst hatten. Der neu verpflichtete Offensive Coordinator Klint Kubiak soll der Angriffsabteilung – insbesondere dem Laufspiel – neuen Schwung geben.
Die reguläre Spielzeit mit 17 Partien und einer Ruhewoche pro Team endet am 4. Januar 2026. Die Playoffs und somit die K.-o.-Phase der NFL-Saison startet mit der Wild-Card-Runde (Achtelfinale). Eine Woche später steigt die Divisional Round (Viertelfinale), bevor in den Conference Championships der NFC und AFC, den Halbfinals, die beiden Super-Bowl-Teilnehmer ausgespielt werden. Der Super Bowl LX steigt am 8. Februar im Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, Kalifornien, der Heimstätte des großen Seahawks-Rivalen San Francisco 49ers.
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba led the team with 100 receptions, 1,130 receiving yards and six receiving touchdowns, earning a spot in the 2025 Pro Bowl Games. Check out the best photos from his second season in the NFL.
![JSN Top Shots - 2024](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/vdn5qbbjclpy4qddtgod.jpg)
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/ko9moovru6j8wtvppc3v.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/macdcxnmhjnjetm5ilxy.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/vv0dbg2rxr1lxq89gkrm.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/zbednjoi8cxjvbvpgssd.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 offseason workouts.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/lzrigkzl8ln6uuol7w2z.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/rljkqx47j8amu3q6d9lc.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the preseason matchup vs. the L.A. Chargers at SoFi Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/l0gibdl9tqs5muz825qu.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the preseason matchup vs. the L.A. Chargers at SoFi Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/ddpoyfvhvwsngiydyrhb.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/cxiktsvqpyh6puvmnr02.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during 2024 training camp.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the preseason matchup vs. the Cleveland Browns at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/gwdi4igddf8yorh0kpgp.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the preseason matchup vs. the Cleveland Browns at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the preseason matchup vs. the Cleveland Browns at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/dcknwibxr6coz0a2dte6.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the preseason matchup vs. the Cleveland Browns at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 1 win vs. the Denver Broncos at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/eddn88wi6fiw8eftijiz.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 1 win vs. the Denver Broncos at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 1 win vs. the Denver Broncos at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/wpjiwdeotnun64efbpeq.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 1 win vs. the Denver Broncos at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 1 win vs. the Denver Broncos at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/e4q5xym12bwy3obubtva.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 1 win vs. the Denver Broncos at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 2 win over the New England Patriots at Gillette Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/trk0tjibw9rh3kbrfgji.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 2 win over the New England Patriots at Gillette Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 2 win over the New England Patriots at Gillette Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/ay5k9zhoeunqk9eul3sl.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 2 win over the New England Patriots at Gillette Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 3 win vs. the Miami Dolphins at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/krblyjqhktdb7e1dlgzu.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 3 win vs. the Miami Dolphins at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 3 win vs. the Miami Dolphins at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/l4u4jq604if63zqevc5y.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 3 win vs. the Miami Dolphins at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/dxzeee4dht24f9g2cljp.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/xgp77wnoksjleelzepvj.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/tpka6hnb8mqkqzpwrmkm.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/xfjo67i48nfyzyvwrjba.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 4 Monday Night Football matchup vs. the Detroit Lions at Ford Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 5 matchup vs. the New York Giants at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/vbcgilgk8kobkbuitjaj.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 5 matchup vs. the New York Giants at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 6 Thursday Night Football matchup vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/g4ofoibb2fqiismbhm9v.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 6 Thursday Night Football matchup vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 6 Thursday Night Football matchup vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/phpet0nzwvflmhbrvio6.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 6 Thursday Night Football matchup vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 6 Thursday Night Football matchup vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/unb7rjt8ndsaeah6khtm.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 6 Thursday Night Football matchup vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/hpwq3d9ikxv7zzrhl3xi.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/or1xmxc4n60tgl6xh0i1.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/cpjg2cqx5msdg70b2tya.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/vxiwl2aucrnnxal4cbkg.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 7 win over the Atlanta Falcons at Mercedes Benz Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 8 matchup vs. the Buffalo Bills at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/bhp5figijoklpyr5oleh.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 8 matchup vs. the Buffalo Bills at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 8 matchup vs. the Buffalo Bills at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/is3unkf1dvoqbyntc12p.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 8 matchup vs. the Buffalo Bills at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/fhbpjsttrnan7nwfxa2q.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/e6jjungfrqrvbezar75l.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/slziqiubhbiocxcygl1j.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/hai0a47gbbgjapeaz8gg.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/xjn2ggjx1vvncfvxx0os.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/huqsu0yla23crc5rdpvu.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/kaweribspvonu4abshmg.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/tgixticevntz5fji7jio.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/a8wvncntcosl0hoh2pnp.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/xokztfj6ugnyh8i2s4xx.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/pcd4vll8armip8vfzc2p.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/uirmfl6gymdjttmafcmj.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 9 matchup vs. the L.A. Rams at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 11 win vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/s1muj4vnche6vrq9bqv7.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 11 win vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 11 win vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/iicces0ctns0cyp3wx8n.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 11 win vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 11 win vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/topyj1dnws4aeamocdtp.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 11 win vs. the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/j3kmlmo38ulivgw3bdtm.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/amblhecer7ljyuu1fhxy.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/sr58mwvzu5ivg3hr1jvu.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/elampfsbnao8zmwfaml9.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/xagqhya8az43mygcgmzi.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/xcrygp9nc57ybzbgitri.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/y8kdwucbnntmtvwazl0l.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/w7yiuwlv8hewkou3k60f.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 12 win vs. the Arizona Cardinals at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 13 win over the New York Jets at MetLife Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/tlvk5gxq3cpzbniy0rqn.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 13 win over the New York Jets at MetLife Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 14 win over the Arizona Cardinals at State Farm Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/ejaiyc9cdmgjplllfwix.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 14 win over the Arizona Cardinals at State Farm Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 14 win over the Arizona Cardinals at State Farm Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/ndupr9fcobnkmowcsbsk.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 14 win over the Arizona Cardinals at State Farm Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 14 win over the Arizona Cardinals at State Farm Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/ejmyulvv1nnjs0uqn6dt.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 14 win over the Arizona Cardinals at State Farm Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 15 Sunday Night Football matchup vs. the Green Bay Packers at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/pjtr9ybo9ca5xyfmaikd.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 15 Sunday Night Football matchup vs. the Green Bay Packers at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 15 Sunday Night Football matchup vs. the Green Bay Packers at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/jriyzpkgybfrkkvbb38q.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 15 Sunday Night Football matchup vs. the Green Bay Packers at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/ldh5uarnjqidj27uhe3q.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/cxu3mlpbxjwmncoikvik.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/k8tfvrv83a5hsht8i0fe.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/f9s4azu8jd90hxupjypi.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/jdujwqxqbwaye7xdxcde.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/zg6rjnputtxuaucxnz5z.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 16 matchup vs. the Minnesota Vikings at Lumen Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 17 Thursday Night Football win over the Chicago Bears at Solider Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/gjjv4qlnw1aoljk3jkbc.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 17 Thursday Night Football win over the Chicago Bears at Solider Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 17 Thursday Night Football win over the Chicago Bears at Solider Field.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/mgp34poe9rdhclttcx8g.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 17 Thursday Night Football win over the Chicago Bears at Solider Field.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 18 win over the L.A. Rams at SoFi Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/uvlzvllz8oovpxtpaf0e.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 18 win over the L.A. Rams at SoFi Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 18 win over the L.A. Rams at SoFi Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/v12o0ihmraj6xpq071gx.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 18 win over the L.A. Rams at SoFi Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 18 win over the L.A. Rams at SoFi Stadium.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/nmbivd7b8yyumrwrkrzq.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the Week 18 win over the L.A. Rams at SoFi Stadium.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/kbpdvlontanoegzmriav.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/kcctk81oshzr74s26jbc.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/v21l251buxfprcyzn0mi.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.
![Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/upload/t_new_photo_album/t_lazy/f_auto/seahawks/yzbz0uupx4q6fq7rljag.jpg)
Seahawks wide receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba (11) during the 2025 Pro Bowl Games in Orlando, Fla.