Als junger Speedster kam er 2015 nach Seattle. Als absolute Seahawks-Legende auf und neben dem Spielfeld geht er jetzt. Die Wege von Tyler Lockett und seinem bislang einzigen NFL-Team trennen sich – und damit endet eine der besten Receiver-Karrieren der Franchise-Geschichte.
Als im Januar die Saison der Seahawks endete, ahnte der 32-jährige Lockett bereits, dass er sein letztes Spiel in Seattle gespielt haben könnte. Seine Abschlusspressekonferenz begann er damals mit Dankesworten für viele seiner Wegbegleiter. Er endete mit den Worten: "Vielleicht ist das noch nicht das Ende, vielleicht ist es das Ende, aber ich werde immer durch und durch ein Seahawk sein."
Das Ende ist jetzt gekommen – aber das Vermächtnis von Tyler Lockett wird bleiben. An diese fünf Dinge solltest du dich erinnern, wenn es um die zehnjährige Seahawks-Karriere von Seattles legendärem Passempfänger geht.
1. Das perfekte Profi-Debüt
Wie ein Komet schlug er ein. Der hochdekorierte College-Star von der Kansas State University, Tyler Lockett, kam 2015 als Drittrundenpick (Pick 69) nach Seattle – mit dem Ruf, ein unglaublich schneller Returner zu sein. Die Fans mussten nicht lange warten, bis der Rookie ihnen zeigte, dass ihnen nicht zu viel versprochen worden war.

In seinem ersten Regular-Season-Spiel fing Lockett seinen ersten Punt und trug ihn direkt über 57 Yards zurück in die gegnerische Endzone zum Touchdown. Was für ein Auftakt.
Schon in den Vorbereitungsspielen hatte der Neuling mit einem Kickoff und einem Punt Return Touchdown bewiesen, dass mit ihm zu rechnen ist. Dass er sich mit seinen vielversprechenden Skills aber so schnell auf dem nächsten Level durchsetzen konnte, ließ Fan-Herzen höher schlagen.

Am Ende seiner ersten Saison hatte Lockett auch noch einen Kickoff Return Touchdown erzielt – 105 Yards, ein Rekord, und wurde als Returner ins Auswahlteam der NFL gewählt und durfte am All-Star-Spiel teilnehmen. Besser kann die erste Profi-Spielzeit kaum laufen.
2. Nach Horror-Verletzung zurückgekämpft
Auch Locketts zweite Saison war stark – doch sie fand ein trauriges Ende, als sich der Receiver beim Fangen eines langen Passes in der Endzone an Heiligabend 2016 das Bein brach. Trotz Operation und einer zermürbenden Reha schaffte es Lockett zum Saisonauftakt 2017 zurück und konnte in allen 16 Partien der Saison spielen. Er krönte das Jahr mit einem Kickoff Return Touchdown im Saisonfinale gegen Arizona – genau ein Jahr und eine Woche nachdem er sich gegen denselben Gegner das Bein gebrochen hatte.

161 Spiele hat Tyler Lockett in seiner Seahawks-Karriere absolviert. Nur drei verpasste er wegen Verletzungen bzw. einer Covid-19-Erkrankung. Auch dafür steht Tyler Lockett. Seine Comeback-Fähigkeiten sind unglaublich, seine Widerstandsfähigkeit extrem. Und das, obwohl er mit 1,78 Metern und 83 Kilo oftmals der kleinste und leichteste Spieler auf dem Feld war.
Ein Grund dafür: Lockett spielte nicht nur unfassbar schnell, sondern auch smart. Regelmäßig ging er im genau richtigen Moment zu Boden – als Raumgewinn nicht mehr möglich war und der nächste harte Hit drohte. Damit dient er jungen NFL-Spielern mit der Hoffnung auf eine lange Profikarriere als Vorbild in Sachen Verletzungsvorbeugung.
3. Primaballerina Tyler Lockett
Bei 13.369 Gesamt-Yards in zehn Saisons – die zweitmeisten der Seahawks-Geschichte hinter Legende Steve Largent und die drittmeisten aller aktiven NFL-Spieler hinter Cordarrelle Patterson und Tyreek Hill – ist auch der ein oder andere Mega-Catch dabei.
Einer aber war gigantisch. Im Donnerstagnacht-Heimspiel gegen die Los Angeles Rams in der Saison 2019 gelang Tyler Lockett ein Jahrhundert-Catch. Vor den Augen zahlreicher im Rahmen einer Gruppenreise aus Deutschland angereister Fans zeigte er, dass er auch im Ballett eine große Karriere hätte haben können.
Russell Wilson ergriff unter Druck die Flucht vor den heran stürmenden Verteidigern. Sein Pass sah fürs untrainierte Auge wie ein verzweifelter Wurf in Richtung Endzone, wurde aber zum perfekten Wunder-Wurf.

Lockett, der nach Jahren des Zusammenspiels eine magische Chemie mit Wilson entwickelt hatte, lief sich in der linken hinteren Ecke der Endzone frei und machte sich ganz lang. Der Ball landete perfekt in seinen Händen, während der Receiver seine Zehenspitzen streckte, um noch innerhalb des Feldes zu landen und dann mit dem gesicherten Ball ins Aus zu fallen.
Das war locker der beste Catch in Tyler Locketts Karriere. Aber es war keine Seltenheit. Zu seinen wichtigsten Fähigkeiten als Receiver gehörten seine Fangsicherheit und seine Körperkontrolle. Davon profitierten auch Quarterbacks. Während Lockett 2018 die Marke von 1.000 Receiving Yards knapp verpasste (die er in den folgenden vier Saisons erreichen sollte), stellte er mit zehn Touchdowns einen Karriere-Bestwert auf. Noch wichtiger aber: Russell Wilson hatte ein perfektes Passer Rating von 158,3, wenn er den Ball in Locketts Richtung warf.
4. Der absolute Ehrenmann
Die Seahawks beendeten ihre Saison 2021 mit einem Sieg gegen die Cardinals, bei dem Safety Quandre Diggs leider mit einer schweren Bein- und Knöchelverletzung ausschied. Während der Rest des Teams zurück nach Seattle flog, um die Offseason zu beginnen, entschied sich Lockett, in Arizona zu bleiben, um bei Diggs zu sein, einem engen Freund aus der College-Zeit, als sie noch Gegner waren.
Während Diggs bereits in einem Krankenhaus in Arizona lag, hätte sich Tyler Lockett als NFL-Superstar die luxuriöseste Fahrt dorthin leisten können, um seinen Freund zu besuchen. Aber weil Lockett nun einmal Lockett ist, stieg er stattdessen mit Mitgliedern der PR- und Medienabteilung des Teams in einen gemieteten Minivan, um erst die Mitarbeiter noch schnell am Flughafen abzusetzen und dann ins Krankenhaus zu fahren.
Lockett blieb nicht nur mit Diggs in Arizona zurück, sondern flog mit seinem Teamkollegen auch nach Green Bay, wo Diggs operiert wurde. Er blieb stets an der Seite seines Freundes.

Bei all dem, was Lockett während seiner Karriere bei den Seahawks war – dynamischer Spielmacher, Führungspersönlichkeit, selbstloser Teamkollege, Stütze der Gemeinschaft – ist er im Grunde einfach ein wirklich solider Mensch, für den es selbstverständlich war, andere über sich selbst zu stellen.
So ist es wenig überraschend, dass der 32-Jährige mehrfach für sein Engagement ausgezeichnet wurde. Zwei der höchsten individuellen Auszeichnungen, die ein Seahawks-Spieler jedes Jahr erhalten kann, sind der Steve Largent Award (von Spielern gewählter Profi oder Trainer, der die Werte der Seahawks am besten verkörpert) und die Nominierung des Teams für den Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award (für herausragende Leistungen auf und abseits des Spielfelds).

Lockett erhielt beide Auszeichnungen im Jahr 2021 und dabei blieb es nicht. Für den Man of the Year war er insgesamt zweimal nominiert, den Steve Largent Award gewann er sogar dreimal. Nur Lockett, Bobby Wagner und Russell Wilson haben diese beiden Auszeichnungen mehrfach erhalten.
Locketts Arbeit abseits des Spielfelds war vielseitig. Er begleitete Schüler aus seiner Heimatstadt Tulsa zu einem Aktionstag, bei dem sie in Seattle Berufe kennenlernen durften. Er vergab Stipendien, sammelte Spenden zur Unterstützung des Jugendsports und richtete Footballcamps aus. Vieles davon tat er, ohne dass darüber berichtet wurde.
5. Von Legende zu Legende
Steve Largent ist der beste Seahawks-Receiver aller Zeiten. Er wurde am 28. September 1954 in Tulsa im US-Bundesstaat Oklahoma geboren. Warum das wichtig ist? Weil Tyler Lockett ebenfalls in Tulsa geboren wurde – und zwar auch am 28. September, nur eben 38 Jahre später. Nach zehn Jahren in Seattle sind das bei weitem nicht die einzigen Gemeinsamkeiten, die die zwei Ausnahme-Passempfänger haben. Aber vielleicht die kuriosesten.

Heute steht Lockett auf Platz zwei der Seahawks-Geschichte bei Catches (661), Receiving Yards (8.594) und Receiving Touchdowns (69) – nur hinter Largent.
So sehr der bescheidene Lockett auch bereit war, das Rampenlicht zu teilen, sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass er auch mehr als fähig war, ein Spiel an sich zu reißen. Das wurde nie deutlicher als in einer Partie 2020 in Arizona, in der Lockett 15 Catches für 200 Yards und drei Touchdowns hatte. Damit stellte er den Franchise-Rekord für Receptions in einem Spiel ein, den bis dato Steve Largent alleine hielt, und rangiert mit den zweitmeisten Yards in einem Spiel nur hinter seinem Vorgänger aus Tulsa.
Gemeinsam mit Steve Largent hält Lockett übrigens auch den Rekord für die meisten 1.000-Receiving-Yard-Saisons (4). Vor Largent liegt er hingegen in Sachen Catches in einer Saison (100), wobei Youngster Jaxon Smith-Njigba in der Saison 2024 mit seinem Seahawks-Rekord gleichgezogen ist.
In 10 seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded 661 receptions, 8,594 receiving yards, and 61 receiving touchdowns which all rank second in franchise history. Take a look back at some of the best photos throughout Lockett's storied career in Seattle.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.

In ten seasons in Seattle, Tyler Lockett became one of the greatest players in franchise history as he recorded the second most receptions (661), second most receiving yards (8,594), and second most receiving touchdowns (61) in franchise history.